Bikram Vohra -Dec 02 2014 : The Times of India (Delhi) Sycophancy actually has classic Greek antecedents which makes sense because it is a classic act. The first sycophants were those who reported to the courts in ancient Greece about who was doing what to whom largely without proof… nothing much has changed since then […]
DMSRDE having extreme example of toadyism /sycophancy/buttering
I hope DRDO top officials had never experienced such height of toadyism /sycophancy/buttering. Mr Hirendra Pratap Singh, Senior Admin Assistant, DMSRDE, DRDO for posting in Finance Division pleasing the whole family of Dr.Arvind Kumar Saxena, Director, DMSRDE, DRDO his wife Dr Dipti Saxena & kids Master Tanay Saxena & Master Tanuj Saxena. Surprisingly, Mr Hirendra […]