To 12th April 2015 Hon’ble Shri Manohar Parrikar, […]
To Date 2nd April 2015 […]
Continuously Manipulations in recruitment of scientists in Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC), Ministry of Defence, (DRDO).
To 24th March 2015 Hon’ble Shri Manohar Parrikar, […]
Request for assign scientific work to DR. A.K. SINGH, DIRECTOR, Dte of Personnel (DOP), DRDO HQ so that he could not influence the probe and temper the evidences and not able to protect DRDO’s corrupt officials and also not able to support corrupt DRDO directors to harass the whistle blowers.
To 20th February 2015 Hon’ble Shri Manohar Parrikar, Defence Minister, Min. of Defence, Room No -104, South Block New Delhi-110011 SUBJECT Request for assign scientific work to DR. A.K. SINGH, DIRECTOR, Dte of Personnel (DOP), DRDO HQ so that he could not influence the probe and temper the evidences and not able to […]
Request for inquiry of fake experience certificate issued from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research North Campus, Delhi University.
To Date – 15th October 2014 Prof. Dinesh Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University, Delhi -110007 Subject: Request for inquiry of fake experience certificate issued from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research North Campus, Delhi University. Reference: RTI reply received from CPIO, […]
RTI- CAIR- PC Procurement PAC basis – Dr KD Nayak, DG, (DRDO’s Gem Manipulator)
To, 17th September 2014 Dr. RB Sharma, CPIO, DRDO HQ, Min. of Defence, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi-110011 Hello, Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005 in respect of procurement of PCs from M/s Tata Power by CAIR, DRDO, Bangalore. To […]
To 11th September 2014 Hon’ble Shri Narendra Modi Ji, Prime Minister of India, Room No -152 PMO, South Block, New Delhi-110011 SUBJECT: CORRUPTION IN DMSRDE (DRDO), KANPUR BY DR. ARVIND KUMAR SAXENA, DIRECTOR Honourable Sir, DRDO basically turn as den of corruption and manipulations, still not ready to accept that the new era of […]
DMSRDE – Second Fact Finding Inquiry Committee 9th & 10th July 2014
It seems DRDO take U –turn in DMSRDE corruption cases. Shri AvinashChander , DGR&D and SA to RM constituted second four members FFIC under Chairmanship of Dr. D C Pande, Outstanding Scientist, LRDE, Bangalore and members Shri Haribabu Srivastva, Director, LASTEC, New Delhi, Shri R S Mehta, Joint Director, Dte of Vigilance& Security, DRDO Hqrs, […]
Arjun scientist probed by CBI
Jul 04, 2014 – PRAMOD KUMAR | New Delhi – The Asian Age The CBI is investigating graft allegations against a senior scientist associated with the Combat Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (CVRDE Chennai) of the ministry of defence (MoD). The scientist under the scanner was part of a project on the production of India’s […]
Arjun tank: CBI probes scientist for taking bribe
Abhishek Sharan, Hindustan Times New Delhi, July 04, 2014 The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has begun a criminal misconduct probe against a senior scientist who was part of a team involved in the development of India’s indigenous main battle tank Arjun, for allegedly seeking and accepting Rs. 1.5 lakh from a machinery supplier. The […]