FIRST APPEAL U/S 19 OF Right to Information Act, 2005 Date: 20.06 2019 To, Air Marshal PP Bapat VSM Air Officer-in-charge Administration Air Headquarters (Vayu Bhawan) Rafi Marg, New Delhi – 110106 Subject: First Appeal under Section 19 of RTI Act 2005. Reference: i) My RTI application dated 03rd May 19, received to CPIO […]
FAA Cabinet regarding Sh Avinash Chander Contractual Appiontment
To, Dr. Amarpreet Duggal FirstAppellateAuthority ACC Cell, Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi-110011 Subject: First Appeal under Section 19(1) of RTI Act 2005 Reference: F. No. CABST/R/2014/60302-RTI dated 29 August 2014 Sir, Aggrieved by decision of Shri Rajesh Nagpal, Under Secretary & CPIO, under the provisions of Section 19(1) of RTI Act 2005, First […]
Corruption Cases of Dr. Arvind Kumar Saxena, Director, DMSRDE, Kanpur
To Date 5th July 2014 Hon’ble Shri Arun Jaitly, Defence Minister, South Block, New Delhi-110011 Subject: Corruption cases of Dr. Arvind Kumar Saxena, Director, DMSRDE, Kanpur Sir, Defence Materials and Stores Research & Development Establishment (DMSRDE), Kanpur is one of the establishments under Defence Research & Development Organisation. Dr. Arvind Kumar Saxena was appointed […]
FAA Reply for SF Jagdalpur RTI Appeal
28th October 2011 Dear SFcian friends from Jagdalpur, After receiving of the denial of RTI request by CPIO, DRDO, I appealed the matter to Appellate Authority as expected by us the denial of Appellate Authority, DRDO received by me. As you already know about Dr Arun Kumar, DOP, DRDO, he is the one of the […]