October 18, 2014, Economic Times Blog Ever since the Railway Committee started its work, whenever people run into me, even if it is at a social occasion, they buttonhole me and offer suggestions about what should be done to improve the Railways. This is understandable and desirable, since it is a manifestation of interest in […]
To, Shri Sanjeev Kumar GE (R&D), Public Information Officer (PIO) MES, DMSRDE, GT Road Kanpur-208013 Subject: Application under Right to Information Act 2005 Sir, Kindly provide the following information under RTI Act 2005. INFORMATION SOUGHT The date on which Ex-Director, DMSRDE, Kanpur Dr. KU Bhasker Rao vacated/handed over […]
To, 20th August 2013 Dr. Jairaj Naik, IDAS Jt. CDA, CPIO O/o PCDA (R&D), West Block R.K. Puram New Delhi-110066 Subject: Application /Request under Right to Information Act 2005 Sir, Kindly provide the following information under section 2(f), 2(i), 2(j) and 6(1) of RTI Act 2005. INFORMATION SOUGHT Provide the details of bills passed for […]
To, 20th August 2013 Shri Sarvesh Kumar Scientist ‘F’ Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) DMSRDE, GT Road Kanpur-20801 Subject: Application under Right to Information Act 2005 Sir, This is with reference to Rule 18 of CCS (Conducts) Rules 1964 and information about Immovable Property Return (IPR) available on DRDO […]