To, 25th July 2013 Shri Sarvesh Kumar,Scientist ‘F’ CPIO, DMSRDE GT Road, Kanpur-208013 Hello, […]
Chinks in the Armour – What ail DRDO, India’s Premier Defence Organigation? – News-Special Part- IV The DRDO has succeeded with missiles, but… George Iype In May 1998, the DRDO and its chief Dr A P J Abdul Kalam became symbols of national pride thanks to the nuclear tests. DRDO’s expertise in explosives and related technologies, and in systems engineering and integration was the key to […]
Chinks in the Armour – What ail DRDO, India’s Premier Defence Organigation? – News-Special Part- III ‘DRDO took up Arjun before it learnt to make tanks’ George Iype Some 20 years ago, the defence ministry entrusted the DRDO with two projects: the development of a battle tank and a multi-barrel rocket launcher system. The DRDO called the former, assigned to it in 1974, Arjun, and the […]
Congrats to Dr W.Selvamurthy for assuming charges as President of Amity University
Bravo Congrats to Dr W.Selvamurthy for assuming charges as President of Amity University – without having no objection from Government of India. As per government of India Office Memorandum No 27012/52000-Estt(A) Dated 5thDecember 2006. As per “The Gazette of India” Extraordinary No 568 dated 23rd November 2006 Part – II, Section-3, Sub section (i) Para […]
INDIAN DISCOVERER KEPT UNDER CAPTIVITY AT DEFENCE LAORATORY, JODHPUR in 1992. – M.A.Padmanabha Rao, PhD (AIIMS) INDIAN DISCOVERER KEPT UNDER CAPTIVITY…… This article is intended to provide some insights to Government of India why INDIAN ACADEMIC and RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS ARE CRUMBLING despite spending huge amounts for research and development. My own experience says hard working […]
Nearly 700 scientists quit DRDO in six years, says Govt
NEW DELHI, December 5, 2012 – THE HINDU Nearly 700 scientists have resigned from India’s premier military research body DRDO in little less than six years from 2007, Defence Minister A K Antony said on Wednesday. In a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha on resignation of scientists from Defence Research and […]
Restricting financial powers of Chief of DRDO
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF DEFENCE RAJYA SABHA QUESTION NO 1286 ANSWERED ON 05.12.2012 Restricting financial powers of Chief of DRDO 1286 SHRI NAND KUMAR SAI Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to satate :- (a) whether Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) enjoys a huge amount of autonomy because of it strategic nature […]
‘Strategic nature of work doesn’t give DRDO special powers’
Last Updated: Wednesday, December 05, 2012, 17:43 ZEENEWS.COM New Delhi: DRDO is a subordinate organisation under Defence Ministry and does not enjoy any special power or autonomy because of its strategic nature of work, Defence Minister A K Antony told the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. In a written reply to question whether DRDO enjoys a […]
Exclusive: Whistleblower DRDO officer sacked for highlighting corruption
Posted By M.Sreedhar On November 3rd, 2012 08:52 PM | General News HYDERABADDAILYNEWS.COM The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) on Thursday took the unprecedented action of sacking an officer who claimed to be a whistleblower . Senior administrative officer Prakash Singh, posted at the Defence Science Centre at Metcalfe House in North Delhi, was […]
Punished for highlighting corruption?’ DRDO officer ‘who knew too much’ sacked
By GAUTAM DATT PUBLISHED: 20:51 GMT, 2 November 2012 Mail Today The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) on Thursday took the unprecedented action of sacking an officer who claimed to be a whistleblower. Senior administrative officer Prakash Singh, posted at the Defence Science Centre at Metcalfe House in North Delhi, was served with compulsory […]