IndiaSpend Team, June 18, 2018 Mumbai: Having spent nearly Rs 1,370 crore on 136,985 railway bio-toilets–criticised for being “no better than septic tanks”–and after earmarking Rs 250 crore to install bio-toilets on remaining trains by March 2019, the railway ministry is now considering “upgraded” vacuum bio-toilets at a cost of Rs 6,250 crore. “We have […]
New toilets in trains no better than septic tanks: IIT-M study
By Srinand Jha The Economics Times, Nov 23, 2017 A new kind of toilet using bacteria to break down human excreta has been deployed in Indian trains over four years to 2017, at a cost of Rs 1,305 crore, but this toilet is no better than a septic tank, the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IIT-M) […]
ToT holders of controversial DRDO bio toilet forms nexus in the name of Association
ToT holders of controversial DRDO bio toilet forms nexus in the name of Association. Till date these toilets are purchased by either central government or state governments at a huge cost. Dr Lokendra Singh who was once director of DRDE and so called inventor of bio digester technology after shifted alliance to Bio Toilets ToT holders […]
DRDO-IR developed bio-toilets is the burning example of misuse of bureaucracy in India
Real picture of this bio-toilets adventure, a feedback received by website on 30 may 2017 sir, I saw your articles on Bio-toilets and would like to appreciate for writing against corruptions. The so called DRDO-IR developed bio-toilets is the burning example of misuse of bureaucracy in India. There is noting like innovation/research in developing this toilet. […]
Bio-toilets Fail to Flush out Open Defecation in Bhadrak
By Express News Service Published: 23rd August 2014 09:05 AM BALASORE: The much-touted bio-toilets are lying defunct in Bhadrak district for over a year as technical details of construction of the toilets are neither available with District Water and Sanitation Mission (DWSM) nor its State counterpart. The bio-toilets were installed by Defence Research and Development […]
RTI – According to DRDO website – Bio-Toilets to Be Installed In 2500 Coaches at Rs. 1 Lakh per Unit
To 11th March 2014 Shri RAKESH KUMAR, D.D. (PG) & C.P.I.O., (Registration & Coordination), R.No […]