Dr Tamilmani’s hidden agenda of visiting Kanpur is to show the Dr. D C Pande’s fact finding report to Dr A K Saxena and his team. In fact the report is too voluminous because the DMSRDE dozen corruption case leads lot other files too and so Dr. Tamilmani asked six senior officials to carry those procurement files […]
Implementation of IPR Information System in DRDO – is it exempted organisation for all GOI orders ?
To 28th July […]
18th July 2013 Dr. A. K. Tyagi Scientist ‘F’ and Head RTI Cell Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) DRDO HQ, Room No. 314-A, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg New Delhi-110011 Hello, Kindly provide the following information under RTI Act 2005. Provide copy of the […]