By Pradip R Sagar August 04, 2018 THE WEEK The Narendra Modi government has undone one of its own major defence sector reforms. Soon after it had come to power, the Modi government had bifurcated the posts of the chief of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and of scientific adviser to the defence […]
Make in India and a Dilly-Dallying Defence Ministry
Published: 17th January 2018 The New Indian Express The flip-flop over the purchase of Spike anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) from Israel is symptomatic of a larger battle between Make in India proponents and those who argue that waiting for the wheel to be reinvented makes no strategic sense. Particularly when the reinvention involves the Defence […]
DRDO goes young with Modi
By Pradip R Sagar Published: 02 Oct 2016 The Sunday Standard NEW DELHI: In order to weed out the dead woods, country’s premier defence research agency Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), which is often faced criticism for its tardy performance, is looking for young scientist to head one of its laboratory. It was Prime […]
Modi government plans to launch team to probe defence scams
By Pradip R Sagar Published: 18th September 2016 – The New Indian Express NEW DELHI: With an extremely poor track record of probing defence bribery scandals, the country may have a special team to investigate such cases. Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government is contemplating a proposal to constitute the team. The proposal came up for […]
Another top DRDO scientist denied extension by Modi government
by Pranav Kulkarni | New Delhi | Published on:April 1, 2015 1:49 am – The Indian Express Two months after it sacked Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) chief Avinash Chander, the government has denied extension to a top DRDO scientist. Bikash Bhattacharya, who was on his first extension as the director of Pune-based High […]
Modi government removes DRDO chief to infuse young talent New Delhi, November 28, 2014 | UPDATED 18:31 IST The Narendra Modi government on Friday sacked Dr Avinash Chander as chief of the prestigious Defence Research and Development Organisation, asking him to retire with immediate effect. Friday was the last day in office for Dr Chander, India’s senior most missile scientist and scientific advisor to the Defence […]
REVEALED: How an Indian missile lay unguarded at South Korean port New Delhi, August 7, 2014 Around 10 months ago, India had showcased its newly developed Pragati tactical surface-to-surface missile at the International Aerospace and Defence Exhibition ADEX-2013 in South Korea. But in a major security lapse, the missile didn’t make its journey back home and lay unguarded, vulnerable and dangerously exposed for an […]