Ex DOP, Dr Arun Kumar’s daughter Ms Sawti Srivastava, Scientist ‘C’ DIPAS was terminated at 5:30 Hrs on Friday 10th October 2014. She was recruited through RAC without having eligibility for the post of Scientist ‘B’ in 2004. Dr Arun Kumar was than Director, RAC and manipulated all recruitment rules for secure her appointment for the post […]
RTI – Madras High court directed the Government to take appropriate departmental action against Sh.G MALAKONDIAH, CC (R&D), DRDO
To 6th October 2014 Sh A. M. Manichan, Under Secretary (IC-IV), CPIO, Ministry of Defence, Department of Defence, Sena Bhavan, New Delhi – 110011 Hello, Kindly provide me with […]
Poor Tax payer money wasted to save corrupt DRDO officials – RTI – MOD (Sh.G MALAKONDIAH, CC (R&D), DRDO, (DOB 1-Jan-1951Retiring on 31st December )(Supreme Court Stay Order)
To 30th September 2014 Sh A. M. Manichan, Under Secretary (IC-IV), CPIO, Ministry of Defence, Department […]