To 12th April 2015 Hon’ble Shri Manohar Parrikar, […]
Dr. A K Maini, Director, LASTEC, DRDO said Good bye Just Now
Honest people still waiting for justice ……………………………………………………………………
Dr. A K Maini, Director, LASTEC, DRDO finally quitting on 10th June 2014 – A RTI success story
RTI’s revealed the corrupt practices prevailing in various DRDO Labs. In Dr. A K Maini’s case, RTI inputs from CDA revealed the audit objections on project of 20 KW Single Mode Laser development (Rs 21.23 Crores). Dr. A K Maini’s team claimed successful completion of the project and team members got promotions and awards. Following […]
DRDO senior scientists feel that DRDO Admin cadre is the biggest hurdle in their day to day manipulations
In DRDO Directors’ Conference 2010, above mentioned view was unopposed accepted by almost all top brasses of DRDO. Then to defy DOPT guidelines of FCS (Flexible Complementing Scheme) DRDO started to assign scientists, the admin allied and other non technical jobs as full time. Like Administration, Stores, Library, Conservancy, Works, Security, Motor Transport, etc. As […]
DRDO trying to manage counter the Ex-Defence Minister Sh. A K Antony’s recommendation to scrap RAC with help of ASCI
Ex-Defence Minister Sh. A K Antony recommended reconsideration of DRDO recruitment of scientists again from UPSC channel instead of DRDO’s own Recruitment Assessment Centre (RAC). From 1984 on wards RAC independently recruited scientists as or when required by DRDO. The RAC is managed by DRDO scientists who were under control of DRDO top brasses directly. […]
Fight Against Corruption prevailing at DMSRDE, Kanpur – Act of Desperate D G DRDO
To 20th May 2014 Sh Avinash Chander, DG DRDO, […]