To Date 16th October 2014 Hon’ble Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, Room No -152, PMO, South Block, New Delhi-110011 Subject : Request to utilized scientific potential of Dr. A.K. Singh, DOP, DRDO HQ to Lab/Estt under Life Sciences Cluster Hon’ble Sir, Human Resource is an asset of an organisation and proper […]
DRDO senior scientists feel that DRDO Admin cadre is the biggest hurdle in their day to day manipulations
In DRDO Directors’ Conference 2010, above mentioned view was unopposed accepted by almost all top brasses of DRDO. Then to defy DOPT guidelines of FCS (Flexible Complementing Scheme) DRDO started to assign scientists, the admin allied and other non technical jobs as full time. Like Administration, Stores, Library, Conservancy, Works, Security, Motor Transport, etc. As […]