To, 16th September 2014 Dr. RB Sharma, CPIO DRDO HQ, Min. of Defence DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg New Delhi-110011 Hello, Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005 in respect […]
RTI for exposing Corruption of Dr Prahalada, Vice Chancellor, DIAT, Pune
To Date 23rd November 2013 […]
DRDO RTI Cell not providing correct informations – I
Dear Friends, Please see the following RTI Reply from DRDO RTI Cell, in which DRDO RTI cell provide wrong and false informations. RTI request Kindly provide me with the following information requested under purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005. Total number of transit accommodation available in DRDO’s guest houses at DELHI. How […]
If you want to get a top post of DRDO – Excellence in Corruption is the most required Criteria
12th August 2011 To The Defence Minister Room No -104, South Block New Delhi – 110011 Reference: a) Your letter No 1409-VIP/RM/2011 dated 21st March 2011 b) Your letter No 1409-VIP/RM/2236 dated 20th May 2011 Honorable Sir, As the chancellor of DIAT, Pune you have taken […]
CIC Decisions on RTI -3
CENTRAL INFORMATION COMMISSION Room No. 308, B-Wing, August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 Information Asked Regarding – Dr. Prahlada, […]
Letter from A L S & Admin Asstt.s DRDO HQRs
Kind Attention: Dr V K Saraswat, SA to RM : Prof. S K Salwan, Chairman Inquiry Committee : Sh Avinash Chander, CCR&D(MSS), Member Inquiry Committee Letter from A L S & Admin Asstt.s DRDO HQRs Dear Shri Dandriyal Ji, Namashkar, We appreciate your efforts to bring out website relating to DRDO. We congratulate […]