To 24 May 2021 The Director, CBI Plot No 5-B CGO Complex, Pragati Vihar, New Delhi –110003 Subject: Request to deployed more staff in ACB, Chandigarh Sir, I have sent a complaint to the ACB, CBI, Chandigarh on 16 October 2020 based on a detailed departmental investigation report corruption in the procurement of some […]
Corruption in DRDO is Beyond Control of Chairman
Tomorrow a DRDO Lab Director is retiring and giving a good Bouquet with full of plenty corrupt flowers to DRDO Chairman. Such big prestigious national important organization Chairman is helpless to act against corruption prevailing in DRDO. The following document is clearing showing the hight of corruption persist in DRDO. The poor tax payer of […]
Appeal to Independent Directors of BEL on Rs 7900 Cr Scam in IACCS Project
To Dr. Bhaskar Ramamurthi, Director at IIT, Chennai, Dr. R K Shevgaonkar, Professor at IIT, Mumbai, Mrs. Usha Mathur, ex-Secretary to Govt. of India, Mr. Sharad Sanghi, Entrepreneur, Shri Mukka Harish Babu, Practicing Chartered Accountant, Shri Surendra Singh Sirohi, ex-Secretary to Govt. Of India, Shri Vijay S Madan, ex-Secretary to Govt. Of India, Dr. Amit […]
Dr. G. Satheesh Reddy appointed DRDO Chief
NEW DELHI, AUGUST 25, 2018 The post had been vacant since May after the then Chief Dr. S. Christopher stepped down The Government on Saturday appointed eminent scientist Dr. G. Satheesh Reddy as the Chairman of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). The top post of the DRDO had been vacant since May after […]
DRDO forgot Ethics for dealing sexual harassment case, proves that DRDO really following Different rules for different officers
To, 22th July 2016 Shri Manohar Parrikar, Defence Minister, Room No -104 South Block, New Delhi-110011 Subject: DRDO forgot Ethics for dealing sexual harassment case, proves that DRDO really following Different rules for different officers Sir, As you already witnessing that in DRDO day by day number of cases are increasing of harassment whether […]
Sword and Shield
Indian Military Issues: Progress through Debate Wednesday, April 1, 2015 DRDO: an Organisation in Need of Life Support System (FORCE MARCH 2015) Major General Mrinal Suman No organisation ever exists in a vacuum. It has to […]
To Date – 13th February 2015 Shri Syed Ekram Rizwi, Director & Central Public Information Officer, Prime Minister’s Office, South […]
Sh Avinash Chander – थाली का बैंगन – Modi ji How can our country trust such person who has no meaning of honesty.
Sh A K Antony gave responsibility to find out the truth of appointment of Ms Swati Srivastava as scientist ‘B’ post by RAC. The nation is witnessed that same person first gave clean chit under influence of corrupt officials of DRDO and now he has approved the order of annulment the appointment of Ms Swati Srivastava. […]
बहुत देर भई नन्द लाला (पाण्डेय जी) रिपोर्ट कब सबमिट करोगे, समय निकल जायेगा
To 26th September 2014 Dr D C Pande, Scientist ‘H’, Outstanding Scientist, Chairman 2nd Fact finding Committee constituted for DMSRDE corruption LRDE, DRDO, Bangalore Dear Pandey Ji, As you very well aware the complaints against Dr.Arvind Kumar Saxena, Director, DMSRDE, Kanpur and estimated amount involved in corruption is about 7.5 crore is a tip […]
डीआरडीओ में श्री अविनाश चन्दर, वैज्ञानिक सलाहकार की चल रही है जागीरदारी (Example of Sh Avinash Chander’s feudalism in DRDO)
माननीय श्रीनरेंद्र मोदी जी दिनाक 14 सितम्बर2014 प्रधानमंत्री कक्षसंख्या 152 पीएमओ साउथ ब्लाक नईदिल्ली -110011 विषय : डीआरडीओमें श्री अविनाश चन्दर, वैज्ञानिक सलाहकार द्वारा जागीरदारी माननीय श्री प्रधानमंत्री जी यह एक बड़े खेद का विषय है कि इतने महत्वपूर्ण संगठन के शीर्ष अधिकारी श्री अविनाश चन्दर जी ने सारी नैतिकताओं को दर किनार करते हुए डीआरडीओ में अपनी जागीरदारी चला रखी है। आपने […]